World News

                    In the world, as you know that coronavirus has spread in many countries, so government has taken dicision to control the coronavirus like lockdown, curfew and shut down in all over the countries. Due to lockdown, many people not reached in his village, city and country. Its bad effect only on poor people.
Total cases of coronavirus reached at 17,86,769 while deaths rate stands at 1,09,275 and 4,05,726 have been recovered in the World.


Lockdown has raised till April, 30 according to report and some state governments have announced of lockdown on Sunday April, 12. Total cases of covid-19 reached at 8,504 in which 289 have died while 972 have been cured.

Headlines State Wise :

  • In Andhra Pradesh, cases of coronavirus toll stands at 417.
  • In Karnataka, total cases of covid-19 toll stands at 226 while 11 new cases in last 24 hours. 
  •  In Tamilnadu, 969 positive cases of coronavirus reported and deaths toll stands at 11 till now. 
  •  In Haryana, cases of covid-19 reached at 179 in which 14 fresh cases were reported.  
  •  In Bhopal, total cases of coronavirus reached at 137 and 3 new cases were reported. 
  •  In Maharashtra, total covid-19 cases tally stands at 1,895 in which 134 new cases reported. 
  •  Delhi government declared 33 containment zone. 
  • In Gujarat, total cases of coronavirus toll stands at 493 while 25 new cases arrived. 
  • In Rajasthan, total cases of covid-19 reached upto 751 and 51 new cases reported. 
  •  In Madhya Pradesh, cases of coronavirus increased at 500 and 40 people have lost their life. 

 Bollywood Actor Salman Khan distributed ration or food among 25,000 labourers of the film industry.


Coronavirus effected people increasing day by day in the country and this is 1st country, who largely effected for covid-19.
 Total cases of coronavirus toll stands at 5,33,115 and deaths stands at 20,580 while 30,502 have been cured. 


This is the second highly coronavirus effected country in the world. The deaths toll decline after three days. Total cases of coronavirus reached at 1,63,027 and death toll stands at 16,606 while 59,109 have been recovered.


Total cases of covid-19 toll stands at 1,52,271 and 19,468 have died while 32,534 people have been cured. No new cases has been found yet.


Total cases of coronavirus reached at 70,029 and deaths toll stands at 4,357 while 41,947 have been recovered.


UAE ready to fly stranded Indians, if they test negative.


Three Indian people test positive in Nepal. The government very stricted on coronavirus and some people effected due to coronavirus.


254 new cases reported today and death toll reaches at 86.


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