How to earn money from mobile

   How to earn money from mobile

Two apps who gives money for transaction, first is Google Pay and the second is Phone pe, I will give proof that how to I earned money from these apps. For this app Bank account is very necessary because if you don't have bank account so you cannot earn from these apps. If you have bank account too and don't have ATM card so, you cannot run these app because Bank a/c and ATM are very essential to earn and run these apps. I will show you how many money have I earned in below picture :

In these apps, verification also necessary because without verification apps will not run. For verification, these apps takes some documents like Pan card, Driving license etc. 
Google Pay and Phone app is used to transaction,recharges, online shoping, online train, air, & bus ticket, and online food etc. So, enjoy these apps and also earn money. 
Another thing is that if anyone install these app, so person should be known that which mobile is used for this app because only that number will work which linked from the bank. 
If, you install app from this link so you can earn reward from this app and if you install these app from play store  so you cannot earn reward and only for Google Pay. I am giving link of Google Pay because phone pe will not get reward to you, it gives reward only to referrer, who will refer phone pe to others. 
This is my link of Google pay
Join me on Google Pay, a secure app for money transfers, bills and recharges. Enter my code t7je6g to earn ₹21 back on your first payment!


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