Today News

            Updates of Covid-19

The deadly coronavirus has been increasing day by day all over the world.
Some news Channel have said that the covid-19 increases only in winter and it has been seen that virus highly infected only in cold countries. Because this virus over coated with fat layer, as fat melts in the hot season, so coronavirus can not increase in hot countries.


In the country, total cases of coronavirus has been raised to 4,314 in which 25 are new cases and total number of death toll stands at 118 while 328 people has been recovered.

State wise news of Covid-19

  • In Maharashtra, near Mumbai new cases of coronavirus has been found in which 26 nurses and 3 doctor are positive. 
  • In Bhopal, cases of covid-19 touched 50 on Monday, in which nine people are positive for coronavirus. 
  • In karnataka, total cases of coronavirus has reached to 163 including 4 deaths and 18 people have discharged. 12 more cases of coronavirus reported on Monday. 
  • UP Government says that 55 firms producing sanitiser upto 70,000 litres per day. 
  • Entance exams of JNU, UGC PhD, NET, NEET, TTE have postponed due to coronavirus. 
  • In Delhi, total cases of coronavirus reached at 503 in which 58 new cases have been seen. 
  • In Mumbai, total cases reached at 433 while 30 people have lost their lives due to deadly virus. 
  • In kerala, 8 new cases of coronavirus have been found while total cases reached to 314 in which 49 patients have recovered. 
  • Health Ministry said that social distancing is a medicine for everyone. 
  • In Jammu & Kashmir, total cases of coronavirus have reached at 106 in which 14 are new cases. 
  • In Bhopal, only milk and medicine shop will be open from today.
  • In Pune, death toll stands at 5.
  • In Haryana, total cases of coronavirus have reached at 76.  
  • In Indore, total cases of coronavirus reached at 128 in which 28 new cases.      


Total cases of coronavirus reached at 3,36, 851 while deaths toll stands at 9620 in which 17,977 have been recovered. New cases are 178.
President of U.S.A have said that he will help to India and donates 2 million dollar.


Total cases of coronavirus toll stands at 1,31,646, deaths reached to 12,641 and 38,080 have been recovered.


Total cases of covid-19 have reached at 1,28,948 while deaths toll stands at 15,887 and 21,815 people have recovered.


 Total cases of coronavirus reached at 1,00,123 and death toll stands at 1,584 while 28,700 people have recovered.


Total cases of coronavirus reached at 92,839, deaths toll stands at 8,078 while 16,183 have recovered.


Chancellor Sebastian kurz have said that country could start loosening lockdown from April, 14. Total cases of coronavirus reached at 12,058 and death toll stands at 204 while 2,998 have recovered.


Total cases of coronavirus reached at 3,660 while deaths toll stands at 163 in which 414 are new cases.


1000 more cases of coronavirus raised in last 24 hours. Total cases of covid-19 reached at 6,343 and deaths reached at 47 while 406 have been recovered.



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