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Total cases of coronavirus reached at 30,73,634 and death toll stands at 2,11,769 while 9,24,726 people have been cured.
The covid-19 increasing day by day in some countries as compared to the other countries. Every country is trying to control the coronavirus but the question is "when lockdown will be removed" in all over the world. The lockdown is only affecting on the poor people who's earn daily wages like labour, worker etc. Economy is decreasing in some countries due to lockdown.


 Total cases of covid-19 increases upto 29,435 and 934 people have died due to this disease while 7,130 have been recovered.
If the coronavirus not controlled in the country, so, the economy will down in coming days. In this country, poverty is more as compared to the other countries because government is not giving relief to the people. Only Delhi government is best in all over the country because Delhi CM is educated person and he thinks about all the people. Precaution is essential for all the people. PM Narendra Modi held meeting with CMs on the video conference call, talking about the position of coronavirus and on lockdown which can extend after 3rd May.

Headlines of states :

  • Harsh Vardhan said that no fresh cases found in 80 districts since last 7 days. 
  • In Delhi, government has allowed to open the some shops under guidelines and total cases of covid-19 crossed 3,100.
  • Health minister said that we have also started producing ventilators. 
  • In Maharashtra, two more staff tested positive to coronavirus and total cases of coronavirus reached at 8,500 in which 522 new cases have found. 
  • 27 people have died during operation in last 24 hours, Maharashtra. 


 Total cases of covid-19 reached at 10,10,507 and death toll stands at 56,803 while 1,39,162 have been cured. This country is on top position which has affected for coronavirus. 
US president Donald Trump has said that he may seek damages from China over covid-19, which started in the city of Wuhan and spread all over the world. "We are not happy with China"


 Total cases of coronavirus reached at 91,472 and 5,806 people have died while 70,933 have been recovered. In this country, government has controled over the coronavirus and shops have opened under the guidelines. It is that country, who faced many problems and its know that how to control the problems. Aytullah Khamnei is the best leader in the world.


Total cases of covid-19 reached at 93,558 and death toll stands at 867 while 8,456 people have been cured.


Total cases of coronavirus reached at 82,836 and 4,633 people have died while 77,555 have been recovered. It is that country, in which coronavirus born and spread in all over the world.


Total cases of covid-19 increases upto 2,29,422 and deaths toll stands at 23,521 while 1,20,832 have been discharged.


Total cases of coronavirus reached at 1,99,414 and death toll stands at 26,977 while 66,624 people have been cured.


Total cases of coronavirus reached at 1,58,758 and death toll stands at 6,126 while 1,14,500 have been recovered.


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