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          Latest News of World

The total number of coronavirus cases in all over the world reached at 13,58,943 while death toll stands at 75,896, among them 2,90,643 people have been cured.


The total number of coronavirus cases reached at 4,858 in which 137 people have lost their lives while 382 people have been recovered.

State wise reports :

  • In Karnataka, total cases of covid-19 has reached at 175 while 12 new positive cases have come on Tuesday April, 7 in which 25 people discharged. 
  • In Maharashtra, Mumbradevi temple trust donated Rs. 21 lakh to the government fund. 
  • In Delhi, CM Arvind kejriwaal said that we will take 5 step after talking to expert that how will we control covid-19 in city. 
  • In Assam, total cases of coronavirus has reached at 27 and one new case have been seen. 
  • Delhi government made 5 T's plan are :
  1. Test. 
  2. Trace. 
  3. Treatment. 
  4. Team work. 
  5. Tracking. 


In the country, Government declared state of emergency over virus.
Total cases of coronavirus reached at 3,906 and deaths toll stands at 92 in which 592 people have been cured.


Total cases of coronavirus reached at 3,69,522 and death toll stands at 11,013 while 19,843 have recovered from deadly virus.


Total cases of coronavirus reached at 1,40,510 while 13,798 have lost their lives in which 43,208 have cured.


Total cases of covid-19 have reached at 1,32,547 and death reached  to 16,523 while 22,837 people have recovered.


In this country, total cases of coronavirus reached at 1,04,199 and death toll stands at 1, 842 while 36,081 people have recovered.


In the country, total cases of coronavirus reached at 98,010 while deaths toll stands at 8,911 in which 17,250 have been cured.


Total cases of covid-19 reached at 81,740 and deaths increases to 3,331 while 77,167 have been recovered.


In Iran, total cases of coronavirus reached at 62,589 while death reached at 3,872 and 27,039 people have recovered from deadly virus.


In the country, total cases of covid-19 reached at 51,608 and deatha toll stands at 5,373 while 135 have been recovered.


Total cases of coronavirus have reached at 7,497 while deaths toll stands at 58 and 494 people have been cured in which 1,154 new cases has been found.

Various countries are trying to control over coronavirus and levied lockdown all over the country.


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