Today News

               News Of The World

Total cases of coronavirus reached at 26,38,909 and deaths toll stands at 1,84,249 while 7,22,055 have been recovered.

World environment has become clean due to lockdown, so we are breathing clearly in an appropriate environment. Now, countries have controlled over novel coronavirus but some are suffering from this deadly virus.

Crude Oil

         The prices of crude oil has decreased due to lockdown because supply is lesser than demand, so rate of crude oil is decreasing day by day. This oil taken by two ways :

1. By the sea.

2. By the land.

There are three main benchmarks in the world which is used to identify the quality of oil such as Brent Crude, WTI (West Texas Intermediate) and Dubai & Oman.

1. Brent Crude - In this, oil is taken out by the north sea and easily transported.
It is easily stored and transportation done by the ship.

2. WTI (West Texas Intermediate) - Oil is taken out from the land by pipeline in this benchmark and it is difficult to transportation comparison to Brent crude.

3. Dubai & Oman - This oil is taken out in the Arab countries and seen by the reference value.

Total cases of coronavirus reached at 26,38,909 and deaths toll stands at 1,84,249 while 7,22,055 have been recovered in the World.

World environment has become clean due to lockdown, so we are breathing clearly in an appropriate environment. Now, countries have controlled over novel coronavirus but some are suffering from this deadly virus.


 Total  cases of coronavirus reached at 21,393 and death toll stands at 681 while 4,257 people have been cured. GDP (Gross Domestic Product) is decreasing day by day due to lockdown in the country. Factories and companies are suffering from losses in these days.

Headlines of states :

  • In Jammu & Kashmir, total cases of coronavirus reached at 427 while 20 new cases have reported. 
  • In Ranchi, total state tally stands at 53 in which 4 more people tested positive. 
  • In Karnataka, total cases of covid-19 increases upto 445 while 18 new cases have reported. 
  • There are 334 active cases in West Bengal in which 58 new cases have been reported. 
  • In Uttar Pradesh, total cases of covid-19 reached at 1,507 while 187 have been recovered and death toll stands at 21.
  • 12 new cases have reported in kanpur while total cases of coronavirus stands at 91.
  • In Rajasthan, 49 new cases of coronavirus reported today total cases reached at 1,937 and 27 people have lost their lives while 134 have been cured. 
  • In Andhra Pradesh, total cases of covid-19 reached at 893 in which 27 people have died and 141 have been recovered. 
  • In Indore, 53 new cases of coronavirus have been found and total stands tally at 945 while 77 people have been cured. 
  • In Haryana, total cases of coronavirus tally stands at 270 and 3 died while 162 people have been recovered. 24 people linked to foreign countries among the total cases. 
  • In Maharashtra,total cases of covid-19 reached at 5,649 while 431 new cases reported in the state. 


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