News of the Day


            Coronavirus Latest News 

                                      This virus is increasing day by day across all over the world like - U.S.A, Italy, Spain, Germany, UK, Iran, France, Switzerland, Turkey, South Korea, Canada, Belgium, Austria, Portugal, Brazil, India, Sweden, Russia, Ireland etc.
The coronavirus have affecting 203 countries and Union Territories all over the world. Many countries are trying to secure from that virus, some countries have no new positive cases of coronavirus like - Italy, Germany, UK, France, Iran, Turkey, Netherlands, Canada, Portugal, Sweden, Ireland, Romania, Japan, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Greece, Panama, Ireland, Iceland, Argentina, Colombia, Singapore, Qatar, UAE, Egypt, Iraq, Bahrain, Jordan, Nigeria, Kenya, Uganda, Mynammar, Syria etc.

The new cases of coronavirus are found in countries like :

- 2 new cases New Caledonia.
- In Albania, 18 new cases have been reached and 1 death.
- 2 new cases in Brunei Darussalam. 
- 56 new cases and 1 death in Slovenia.
- 15 new cases in Mayotte.
- 15 new cases and 2 deaths in Lebanon.
- 25 new cases in Kuwait.
- 7 new cases in Isle of Man.
- 21 new cases in state of Palestine.
- 79 new cases and 2 new deaths in Poland.
- 1,384 new cases and 183 deaths in Belgium. 
- 131 new cases and 12 deaths in Austria.
- 208 new cases and 5 deaths in Malaysia.
- 36 new cases in China & Hong-Kong. 
- 322 new cases and 11 deaths in Philippines.
- 113 new cases and 13 deaths in Indonesia.
- 21 new cases and 1 death in Norway.
- 22 new cases in Cameroon.
- 119 new cases and 5 deaths in Israel.
- 771 new cases and 6 deaths in Russia.
- 13 new cases in Switzerland.
- 89 new cases and 2 deaths in Australia.
- 21 new cases in Oman.
- 104 new cases and 3 deaths in Thailand.
- 173 new cases and 4 deaths in Pakistan.
- 34 new cases in India.
- 163 new cases and 8 deaths in Mexico.
- 51 new cases and 2 deaths in Brazil.
- 89 new cases in New Zealand.
- 341 new cases and 10 deaths in U.S.A.

Many Countries have been recovered and no new cases seen.

How the coronavirus is spreading all over the world?

The coronavirus spread by the liquid droplets of people's. These virus is active only 3 to 4 hours but when theses droplets down on the wood then it's active 24 hours or more, if the droplets down on stainless steel then its alive 2 or 3 days.

Cases of coronavirus in India are as:

328 cases of coronavirus have been reached, among them 151 recovered and 12 deaths in last 24 hours.
- 11 new cases in Rajasthan.
- 121 positive cases in Uttar Pradesh till now.


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